



  1. Comparison of the pan - cathaysian orogeny with the caledonian and pan - african orogenies
  2. The caledonian canal
  3. Caledonian convergent transformation and metallogenetic response in the north qilian mountains
  4. Caledonian movement made the researched area exposed to the air and was eroded more than 100 million years
  5. From 1976 to 1980 , mr brown lectured at edinburgh university and then caledonian university
  6. It's difficult to find caledonian in a sentence. 用caledonian造句挺难的
  7. Rangea broad : east africa to northern south china sea , japan , indonesia , australia and new caledonian
  8. The area was wholly uplifted with caledonian orogeny in the early palaeozoic , and underwent thereafter denudation
  9. Judging for characterstics of geochemical and structural environment of several caledonian granitoids in northeast guangxi
  10. The results indicate that both caledonian basins in north and east guangxi evolved from fracturing to closure
  11. Consuming the equivalent of two cans of soft drink can boost memory retention by a fifth and combat dementia in older people , found neuroscientists from glasgow caledonian university
  12. Birds may not be renowned for their intelligence but new caledonian crows have an instinctive ability to make and use tools , researchers said on wednesday
  13. Grimmauld place was therefore probably about three quarters of a mile from king ' s cross , somewhere to the north of it , and closer to either camden town or caledonian road station than it is to king ' s cross
  14. Consuming the equivalent of two cans of soft drink can boost memory retention by a fifth and combat dementia in older people , found neuroscientists from glasgow caledonian university
    英国格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学( glasgowcaledonianuniversity )的神经学专家发现,每天喝下两罐碳酸饮料就能使人的记忆力提高五分之一,并且还有助于老年人抵抗老年痴呆症的发生。
  15. The middle cambrian early devonian ( 513 - 397ma ) tectonic stage was characterized by a series of tectonic events with different features , which are completely different from the caledonian event that occurred in the appalachian orogen and in scotland
  16. The university of paisley has signed agreements with universities in china and glasgow caledonian university has a relationship with east china normal university in shanghai to teach its software engineering students how to design video games
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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  10. "caledonian and dumbartonshire junction railway"造句

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