



  1. Bartenev and Pavel Annenkov represent the first generation of amateur Pushkinists.
  2. Bartenev creates absurd, whimsical, racy, provocative, carnival fantasias.
  3. In this way Bartenev continues and develops the ideas of Russian Futurism.
  4. Of noble birth, Bartenev attended the Moscow University.
  5. Bartenev is perhaps best remembered today as the founder of the Pushkin studies.
  6. It's difficult to find bartenev in a sentence. 用bartenev造句挺难的
  7. His archives were published, in 40 volumes, by Pyotr Bartenev between 1870 and 1897.
  8. Conceived originally by Alexey Khomyakov, it was launched and edited by Pyotr Bartenev, with a view to giving its readership the full and objective account of Russian history.
  9. Tolstoy, then at work on " War and Peace ", said that " turning to Bartenev with a research query was like turning on the tap of a samovar ".
  10. In 1863, Bartenev founded " Old Times in Russia ", Bartenev's journal brought to light scores of unknown documents and memoirs from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
  11. In 1863, Bartenev founded " Old Times in Russia ", Bartenev's journal brought to light scores of unknown documents and memoirs from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
  12. According to lawyer Dmitry Bartenev, while talking about  the reports, the paper mistakenly conflates the reports with actions of the experts ( or the institution ) and asserts the impossibility of  parallel examinations.
  13. At the crest of Russia s wave of radical Sots Art, Bartenev was invited to bring his performances all over Europe : Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Austria, and France.
  14. During the event some popular designer have presented their collections, such as Andrew Logan, Alistair Carr, Jean-Pierre Braganza, Andrey Bartenev, Aliona Achmadulina, Jojo & Malou, Richard Rene and Stephanie Coudert.
  15. Shubinsky's main rivals in the realm of Russian historical journalism were Pyotr Bartenev, the editor of " The Russian Archive ", and Mikhail Semevsky with his own periodical, " Old Times in Russia ".
  16. While talking about appealing against " the reports ", the authors of the paper, according to lawyer Dmitry Bartenev, mistakenly identify the reports with actions of the experts ( or an expert institution ) and justify the impossibility of the " parallel " examination and evaluation of the actions of the experts without regard for the scope of the evaluated case.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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