- The details vary, but at least some species can reproduce automixis.
- Some authors consider all forms of automixis sexual as they involve recombination.
- The WW females are likely produced by terminal automixis.
- Automixis with central fusion tends to maintain heterozygosity in the passage of the genome from mother to daughter.
- Automixis with terminal fusion tends to promote homozygosity in the passage of the genome from mother to daughter.
- It's difficult to find automixis in a sentence. 用automixis造句挺难的
- Automixis appears to involve central fusion of two of the haploid products of meiosis ( see diagram ).
- Those cases of automixis that are classified as sexual reproduction are compared to self-fertilization in their mechanism and consequences.
- Oocytes that undergo automixis with central fusion often have a reduced rate of crossover recombination, which helps to maintain heterozygosity and avoid inbreeding depression.
- Oocytes that undergo automixis with central fusion often display a reduced rate of heterozygosity, and only a slow transition from heterozygosity to homozygosity over successive generations.
- Among these authors the threshold for classifying automixis as a sexual process depends on when the products of anaphase I or of anaphase II are joined together.
- This form of automixis tends to maintain crossover recombination occurs at a greatly reduced rate during meiosis, which likely restrains the transition from heterozygosity to homozygosity.
- This form of automixis has been observed in the water flea " Daphnia magna " and the Colombian rainbow boa constrictor " Epicrates maurus ".
- The form of thelytoky in hymenopterans is a kind of automixis in which two haploid products ( proto-eggs ) from the same meiosis fuse to form a diploid zygote.
- However, survival of offspring over two successive litters was poor, suggesting that automixis with terminal fusion leads to homozygosity and expression of deleterious recessive alleles ( inbreeding depression ).
- The oocytes that undergo automixis display much lower rates of crossover recombination ( by a factor of 45 ) than the oocytes produced by sexually reproducing queens that give rise to workers.
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