



  1. Summary of the irregular disease in ancientry literatures
  2. A seeing about war and the declined urban in ancientry china
  3. Ancientry drama catalogue influence about development on catalogue science
  4. The fine deportment of different field and the emotion recalling ancientry arouse the people ' s living interest
  5. Every life come from water . human get their life and town flourish for water . people have used water in achitecture activity from ancientry
    水? ?宇宙万千生物因它孕育而来。人类因水而有了生命,城镇因水而繁荣。
  6. It's difficult to find ancientry in a sentence. 用ancientry造句挺难的
  7. I just knew in ancientry novels , java referred to a place very far or a place that was not existence , and in the area , some features of ancient chinese were kept still in a lot of daily diction of villagers
    我只知道古典小说中常把非常遥远的或根本没有的地方叫“爪哇国” ,而这个地区农民的许多日常用语还保留着古汉语的特色。
  8. This product adduction ancientry palace faoster face secret , combine modem times herbalist doctor exoterica , s wel s manifold herbal medicine extractio distillate make with extra care . speedy comfort balance skin ph , shrink pore , vailability intercede skin enginery , cleanlily feeling high elasticity clarity blob , order skin easiness absorb need moisture and nutrient , use after skin affect cleanlily lubricate , pliability in the chips elasticity
  9. Just the special culture condition made the mode of the behavior in housing different with the mode of ancientry in china which was spread around the fire and the mode after 1949 spread with the sleeping unimportant and was individuality . this paper just research on five periods and want to open out that under special economic and culture condition , the influence of social living acts the space of common activities space in congregate housing by mode of the behavior in housing
  10. If i want to elucidatied the complax problem , i had to analysis it from many aspacts . in the historical context in china then . the transmit had the historical invialibility . and the evolution acted as the historical invialibility by accident . our tranditional culture and the science practice in ancientry society offered the theory chance for the transmit . finally , the evolution labeled by science
  11. Urban design appeared in the ancientry . it has been already invoved in beijing ' s construction after 1949 , although the concept of urban design was not clearly put forward . it has great history and modern sense to study the urban design history of beijing , especially the history of this period . but with a great pity , this kind of research is very lack today while we are emphasizing the importance of urban design of beijing construction
    “城市设计,古已有之” 。建国以后北京城的建设虽然没有明确提出城市设计的概念,实际上却包含着城市设计的工作。研究北京的城市设计历史尤其是建国以来的历史具有重要的历史意义与现实意义,但是今天在强调城市设计对建设北京城的重要作用的同时,却十分缺乏对建国以后北京城市设计历史的研究。


  1. "ancientest"造句
  2. "ancientfaces"造句
  3. "anciently"造句
  4. "ancientness"造句
  5. "ancientnesses"造句
  6. "ancients"造句
  7. "ancients 1"造句
  8. "ancients and horribles parade"造句
  9. "ancients and moderns"造句
  10. "ancients stargate"造句

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