two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals
In cryptography, MOSQUITO was a stream cypher algorithm designed by Joan Daemen and Paris Kitsos. It was submitted to the eSTREAM Project of the eCRYPT network.
mosquitoとは意味:mosquito n. (pl. ~es) 蚊. 【動詞+】 ◆control mosquitoes 蚊の発生を抑える ◆destroy mosquitoes 蚊を撲滅する ◆drive off mosquitoes 蚊を駆除する ◆get rid of mosquitoes 蚊を駆除する ◆This ointment should keep the mosquitoes off. この軟膏をつけ...