- 火冒三丈什么意思:huǒ mào sān zhàng 【解释】形容愤怒到极点。【拼音码】hmsz【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、状语;形容愤怒到极点【英文】very tempered
- 火冒三丈的英语:fly into a rage; burst into a fury; fire ... with fury; flare up into a fury; fly into a towering passion; hit the roof at ... in a towering rage; one was so enraged that he nearly went up in smoke.: 使人火冒三丈 make sb.'s blood boil
- 火冒三丈的日语:烈火のごとく怒るさま.火冒三丈,大发雷霆 léitíng /いかずちのように激怒する.怒髪天を衝く.
- 火冒三丈的韩语:【성어】 화가 머리끝까지 치밀다. =[火冒三丈高] [火冒三尺]