- 河道什么意思:hédào河流的路线,通常指能通航的河:疏通~。
- 河道的英语:river course; streamway; covalency; runway; cut; river channel◇河道变迁 channel change; migration of channel; 河道沉积 within-channel deposit; 河道冲刷 river channel erosion; 河道改直 rectification of river; 河道汇流 concentration of channel; 河道疏浚 training of channel; 河道网 river net; 河道污染 pollution of river; 河道淤积 river channel sedimentation; 河道整治 channel improvement
- 河道的法语:cours d'eau fluvial
- 河道的日语:河道.川.河道改变/川の流れが変わる.
- 河道的韩语:[명사] (배가 다닐 수 있는) 강줄기. 수로(水路).
- 河道的俄语:[hédào] речной фарватер