- 排斥异己什么意思:pái chì yì jǐ 【解释】排挤、清除和自己意见不同或不属于自己集团派系的人。【出处】《晋书·殷顗传》:“顗见江绩亦以正直为仲堪所斥,知仲当逐异己,树置所亲。”【拼音码】pcyj【用法】动宾式;作主语、补语;含贬义【英文】exclude outsiders
- 排斥异己的英语:remove those who disagree with sb.; exclude outsiders; exclude [discriminate against] those who hold different views from sb.; get rid of those who disagree with sb.; get rid of those who hold a view different from one's own or who do not conform with one's ideas; push aside people with different views
- 排斥异己的法语:exclure(ou : évincer)les opposants;se débarrasser de ceux qui ne sont pas de son cla
- 排斥异己的韩语:☞[排除异己]