- 投机取巧什么意思:tóu jī qǔ qiǎo 【解释】指用不正当的手段谋取私利。也指靠小聪明占便宜。【示例】学习要勤奋刻苦,踏踏实实,不能靠~取得成功。【拼音码】tjqq【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义【英文】speculate and take advantage of opportunity
- 投机取巧的英语:do things by [in] irregular ways; be opportunistic; choose the easy (not the orthodox) way; gain sth. by trickery; resort to dubious shifts to further one's interests; seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery; slick opportunism; take advantage of the moment
- 投机取巧的法语:spéculer sur les circonstances;tourner toutes les occasions à son profi
- 投机取巧的日语:tou2ji1qu3qiao3チャンスをねらってうまく立ち回る
- 投机取巧的韩语:【성어】(1)교묘한 수단으로 (기회를 틈타) 사리사욕을 취하다.(2)노력이나 노동의 대가를 치르지 않고 잔꾀로써 성공하려 하다.
- 投机取巧的俄语:[tóujī qǔqiǎo] обр. идти на аферу ради личной выгоды; ловчить