- 八纲什么意思:犹八维。 ▶ 《云笈七签》卷九八: “步空观九维, 八纲皆已游。”
- 八纲的英语:[中医] the eight principal syndromes: yin and yang (阴阳); exterior and interior (表里); cold and heat (寒热); hypofunction and hyperfunction (虚实)◇八纲辨证 analysis and differentiation of pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes; differentiation of eight principles
- 八纲的法语:les huit (symptômes, règles, principes)
- 八纲的韩语:[명사]〈중국의학〉 (질병의 진단과 치료의 기준이 되는) 음(陰)·양(陽)·표(表)·리(裏)·한(寒)·열(熱)·허(虛)·실(實) 등을 가리킴.
- 八纲的俄语:pinyin:bāgāngкит. мед. восемь основных принципов (диагностики)