- 人困马乏什么意思:rén kùn mǎ fá 【解释】人马都很疲乏。形容旅途劳累。【出处】明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第七十七回:“马步三军没了气力,人困马乏。”【拼音码】rkmf【灯谜面】激战之后【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容人的疲劳【英文】men and horses were pretty well done
- 人困马乏的英语:the men wore out and the horses were jaded.; both men and horses are tired [exhausted].; the men and horses are both weary.; the men and horses are tired out.; the men are fatigued and horses spent.; the man is weary and the steed spent
- 人困马乏的法语:dépenséedépenséesdépensédépensés
- 人困马乏的日语:〈成〉へとへとに疲れる形容.一连十个钟头干下来,已经人困马乏/たて続けに10時間もやったので,もう疲れきっている.
- 人困马乏的韩语:【성어】 사람과 말이 다 지치다;몹시 지치다. 기진맥진하다. =[人乏马困]
- 人困马乏的俄语:pinyin:rénkùnmǎfáлюди утомлены, лошади измучены (обр. в знач.: быть крайне утомлённым, дойти до предела усталости)