

  • 梅塞
  • 梅谢
  • 目濑
  • 企业经营管理实战模拟



  • 例句与用法
  • Role of insulin - like growth factor - in tubular epithelial - mese nchymal transition
  • Based on texa instrument company ' s tms320lf2407dsp microprocessor , data acquisition module , mese arithmetic module and serial communication module are embedded in the single - chip microcomputer
  • The thesis , applies the auto - adaptive theory to the arithmetic for mese ( maximum entropy spectral estimation ) , and presents new lsll arithmetic for mese , which is based on method of the recursive least square with forgetting factor
  • In the field of application of fault diagnosis with mese , using short signal analysis technology can get characteristics vector of faults . then fuzzy reasoning and neural networks are used to construct fault diagnosis system . the fault diagnosis system analyses the characteristic vector by self - learning
  • This paper firstly analyzes the principle of m & a from two aspects of motivation and effects , it also introduces the meaning and types of m & a based on the analyses of the theory of m & a , this paper discusses the m & a process of chinas soes , such as problem of government behavior orientation , problem of capital evaluation of enterprises , problem of laws and regulations , problem of obstacles from stock market , problem of social security , problem of blind m & a , and so on . in order to solve mese problems , is necessary to clarify the behavior criterion of government in the process of m & a build up normative capital market and finance tools , establish sound social security system , establish and consummate the relevant law system , choose the suitable type of m & a , establish and consummate the capital evaluation system and surveillant organizations for property rights trades
  • 推荐英语阅读
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