His defects have been mercilessly indicated by mark twain in the essay entitled "fenimore cooper's literary offences" . 马克吐温在《库珀创作上的大病》一文中毫不客气地指出过他的缺点。
With a preoccupied countenance, and with tears in her eyes, she got a pair of scissors, and began mercilessly cutting off the long locks of her hair . 她两眼含着泪水,带着出神的表情拿起了一把剪刀,无动于衷地开始剪掉她那长长的发辫。
The film mercilessly castigates the old society 影片对旧社会进行了无情的鞭挞。
Refactor mercilessly , and automate your tests 彻底重构和自动化测试
The ones who drilled you mercilessly through the curriculum 是那些无情的拼命让你学习的老师?
And if they do , you ridicule them mercilessly for being a fag 如果成功,你就可以尽情的嘲笑他们
Time fuses us always mercilessly 时间总是无情地把我们融合。
He belaboured the donkey mercilessly 他恶狠狠地猛抽那头驴
His cartoon mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day 他的讽刺漫画无情地挖苦了当今的政界要人。
He flew into a violent passion and abused me mercilessly ( h . g . wells 他勃然大怒并毫不留情地骂了我? g ?韦尔斯) 。