He was now playing the role of disinterested host and avuncular mentor . 他现在正扮演着慷慨的主人和伯父似的指导人的角色。
He had been henry's mentor for years, but he was also a big fan of mine . 多年来,他一直是亨利忠实的顾问,但他也是我的一个狂慕者。
One of the most effective instruments for coaching and mentoring is the "role rehearsal" . 辅导和教学的最有效的手段之一是“角色排练”。
Thus, celia's judgement ten years earlier when choosing a mentor in the company seemed close to being proved correct . 这样,西莉亚十年前在公司内选择一位恩师时所具有的先见之明,正被证明是正确的。
Lingnan university s lingnanian career mentoring programme 岭南大学事业岭航计划
I did it to cheer her up . . . as a mentor 我这样做只是作为一个良师益友去祝贺她. .
My mentor taught me everything about the force 我师父教会了我所有关于原力的知识
Employee counselling , mentoring and grievancediscipline handling 台风及黑雨警告
The theory about the mentoring relationship in the western 西方指导关系的理论概述
When they want to learn more , mentor 如果这些年轻人想了解更多,那么就教导他们吧。
a wise and trusted guide and advisor 同义词:wise man,
serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; "The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school"; "She is a fine lecturer but she doesn''t like mentoring"
MENTOR / The National Mentoring Partnership is the unifying champion for expanding quality mentoring for America’s young people. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.
mentorとは意味:{名} : 信頼{しんらい}のおける相談相手{そうだん あいて}、良き師[指導者{しどうしゃ}?先輩{せんぱい}]、助言者{じょげん しゃ}、庇護者{ひご しゃ}◆【語源】ギリシャ神話の Mentor(トロイ戦争に出陣するオデッセウスが息子を託した“良き指導者”)から Her mentor gave her some useful advice. 彼女は信頼を置いている相談相手から有益なアドバイス...