And presently the interrupter and his friends found themselves surrounded by the gang of hired bullies who wore the big rosettes and who glared menacingly at them . 这位打断发言的人和他的朋友发现自己被一群雇用的打手包围住了,打手们佩着大玫瑰花结,咄咄逼人地瞪着他们看。
Martin demanded menacingly , possessing himself of it 马丁气势汹汹地追问,拿过了钱。
The ancestor in the painting stared down at us menacingly 油画中的祖先在向下凝视着我们。
Cossack ! she said menacingly 她用威吓的口气说。
Menacingly , they also stole computer discs listing the businessmen involved 为了表示出他们的威胁性,他们还盗窃了列举有关商人清单的电脑光盘。
But , there were other echoes , from a distance , that rumbled menacingly in the corner all through this space of time 但是在这整个时期,却也有别的回声在那街角气势汹汹地隆隆作响。
Their face went white when - with a totally straight face ? i pulled out a hacksaw and started walking towards them . . . . menacingly 当我拿出钢锯,险恶地走向他们时,他们的脸变得完全呆滞苍白。
But the guns remained loaded , the port - holes in the houses and earthworks looked out as menacingly as ever , and the cannons , taken off their platforms , confronted one another as before 但是火枪仍旧是装着弹药。房屋和防御工事里的枪眼仍然像从前那样威严地正视前方,卸下前车的大炮仍然互相对准着敌方。
When the beekeeper strikes the wall of the sick hive , instead of the instant , unanimous response , the buzzing of tens of thousands of bees menacingly arching their backs , and by the rapid stroke of their wings making that whirring , living sound , he is greeted by a disconnected , droning hum from different parts of the deserted hive 养蜂人敲敲患病的蜂巢的外壁,回应他的不再是先前那种立即声的回应:数千只蜜蜂发出嗡嗡声,它们威武地收紧腹部,快速地鼓动双翼发出充满生命力的气浪声而此刻回应他的则是支离破碎的,从空巢的一些地方发出的沉闷的嘶嘶声。
in a menacing manner; "the voice at the other end of the line dropped menacingly" 同义词:threateningly, threateningly,
in a menacing manner; "the voice at the other end of the line dropped menacingly" 同义词:threateningly, threateningly,