n. 1.麦芽浆〔啤酒原料〕;(喂牛马的)面粉[米糠]浆;捣成糊状的东西;马铃薯(等捣烂的)泥;乱糟糟的一团。
sausage and mash 〔俚语〕香肠马铃薯泥。 all to (a) mash …得极烂,稀烂。 vt. 磨碎,捣烂。 vt. 向…调情;诱惑。 n. 使人着迷的人,情人。 be mashed on 恋着,爱着。 make a mash on 〔美俚〕使爱上,使看中。 make one's mash 使人神魂颠倒,使人着迷。
a mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water; used in brewing
reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading; "grind the spices in a mortar"; "mash the garlic" 同义词:grind, crunch, bray, comminute,
talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women" 同义词:chat up, flirt, dally, butterfly, coquet, coquette, romance, philander,
to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon" 同义词:squash, crush, squelch, squeeze,
mashとは意味:1mash n. すりえ; すりつぶしたもの. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆chicken mash ニワトリのすれえ ◆dry mash 乾いたえさ ◆wet mash すりえ. 【前置詞+】 ◆boil apples to (a) mash リンゴをどろどろになるまで煮つめる. 2mash v. (どろどろになるまで)つぶす; 押しつぶす. 【副詞1】 ◆Mash the potatoes wel...