Think of the colossal nerve of the manthe machiavellian subtlety of his brain . 请想一想这个家伙的异乎寻常的胆量具有权术家的多端诡计的头脑。
Machiavellian and manipulative , the lords are often maligned 权谋与操控,阴影议员常常是恶毒的。
The board ' s machiavellian manoeuvres had given him little choice but to quit 监事会玩弄权术的花招使柯菲德除了辞职外几乎没有其他选择。
Machiavellian traits may not be equally beneficial to other lineages , however , or even to all primates , and so this notion alone is unsatisfying 然而,马基维利形质在其他动物群中也许并不同样有利,即使灵长类也未必均蒙其利,因此这个理论并不是个令人满意的解释。
On the other hand , the illusory mansions and landscapes of gu long s swordsman novels , devoid of any specific historical time frame , was to chor yuen the ideal settings for the machiavellian plotting of the superhuman swordsmen 楚原演绎古的武侠世界,没有明确的时空,只有疑幻疑真的山水庄园,为武林高手提供尔虞我诈的舞台。
" now , fish are regarded as steeped in social intelligence , pursuing machiavellian strategies of manipulation , punishment and reconciliation , exhibiting stable cultural traditions , and co - operating to inspect predators and catch food . “现在,鱼被认为充满着社会智商,运用马基雅维利式的策略,诸如操纵、惩罚和顺从,表现出固有的文化传统,并通过合作来勘查敌情和捕捉食物。 ”
" now , fish are regarded as steeped in social intelligence , pursuing machiavellian strategies of manipulation , punishment and reconciliation , exhibiting stable cultural traditions , and co - operating to inspect predators and catch food . “现在,鱼被认为充满着社会智商,运用马基雅维利式的策略,诸如操纵惩罚和顺从,表现出固有的文化传统,并通过合作来勘查敌情和捕捉食物。 ”
This machiavellian intelligence hypothesis suggests that success in social life relies on cultivating the most profitable relationships and on rapidly reading the social situation ? for instance , when deciding whether to come to the aid of an ally attacked by another animal 这个马基维利式的智能假说,将善于经营有利关系的手腕与迅速判读社会情境的能力,视为出人头地的先决条件;例如在其他社群成员发生冲突时,决定何时出手帮衬谁。