对: answer; reply设备: equipment; device; facility; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...合同: agreement; contract(对设备的)合同维修: contract maintenance绝对设备: absolute device新配对设备: new paired device新的配对设备: new paired device设备的: equipment drawing每一设备的: per unit面向设备的: device oriented; device-oriented设备的安装: equipment installation设备的搬运: moving lifting and storing of equipment设备的附件: additions设备的购买: purchasing of equipment设备的记录: contractor's personnel and equipment records of设备的检查: check of equipment设备的壳体: body of equipment设备的冷却: equipment cooling设备的去配: deallocation of devices设备的设计: equipment design设备的使用: plant operation设备的卸下: detachment of devices设备的折旧: consolidate financial decision of depreciation renewal of equipment and funds circulation无设备的: bare; unfurnished