体格: physique; build指数: index number; index身高: stature; height除: get rid of; eliminate; remov ...以: use; take体重: weight的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...立方根: cube root; cubic root体格指数: body build index; physique index单位的立方根: cubic roots of unity体重-身高指数: weight-height index; weight-length index身高体重指数: body mass index体重-身高: weight-height立方根: cube root; cubic root; subtriplicate; third root平方根,立方根: racine carrée;cubique身高体重表: height-weight table三次方根,立方根: cube root百万的立方: trillion【数学】立方根。: cube root立方根, 三次根: third root立方根定律: cube root law主立方根: principal cubic root正常身高体重: nwh减轻体重的: slimming恩格指数: engel index