

发音:   用"龟井"造句
  • kamei


  1. " we will continue to carry out tests at the slaughterhouse and remove certain parts in order to secure the safety of our food ,
  2. Tokyo : a cow identified by japanese experts as having mad cow disease has a new form of the ailment , farming minister yoshiyuki kamei told reporters yesterday
  3. " this is a new type of bse , and we need to talk to experts and study this case thoroughly in order to get to the bottom of how it happened , " kamei told reporters
  4. Changes in concentrations of boron ( b ) and magnesium ( mg ) in the ovary ( fruitlet ) , rind and pulp of fruit were investigated throughout fruit development of parthenocarpic kamei satsuma mandarin ( citrus unshiu marc . ) and self - pollinated egan 1 tangerine ( c . reticulata blanco ) . the results showed as follows : 1 ) b concentrations in the ovary of kamei were at high levels before flowering and at full bloom , and decreased after flowering , whereas that of egan 1 was relatively low at full bloom , thereafter significantly increased . no significant differences were observed in mg changes in the ovary ( fruitlet ) between the two cultivars , which presented decreasing trends after flowering . 2 ) minor changes of b concentrations in the rind of the two cultivars were detected , remarkable changes were found for b in the pulp , which came to the peak values during the stage of fruit enlargement . mg concentrations were relatively high in the rind and pulp of the two cultivars during early fruit development , and presented obviously declining trends during the middle and late stage of fruit development
    以单性结实的龟井温州蜜柑和自花授粉结实的鄂柑1号橘为试材,对整个果实发育期的子房(幼果) 、果皮和果肉的硼镁含量变化进行了测定.结果表明: 1 )龟井花前至花期子房硼含量就已较高,花后下降;而鄂柑1号花期子房硼含量相对较低,花后有一显著上升;两品种子房(幼果)镁含量变化无明显差异,花后均趋下降. 2 )两品种果皮硼含量变幅较小,而果肉硼含量变幅相对较大,且均在果实膨大期出现明显的上升高峰;两品种果皮和果肉镁含量在果实发育前期均相对较高,在果实发育的中后期则趋明显下降



  1. "龟甲状的"英文
  2. "龟间"英文
  3. "龟鉴"英文
  4. "龟涧"英文
  5. "龟介"英文
  6. "龟井亨"英文
  7. "龟井绘里"英文
  8. "龟井静香"英文
  9. "龟井久兴"英文
  10. "龟井善之"英文


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