Black dragon flew to the north , long dragon flew to the west , pearl dragon flew to the southernmost tip of china , and yellow dragon flew to the very center of the vast country 黑龙飞向了北面,长龙飞去了西面,珠龙飞去了中国的最南端,而黄龙则飞去了这个辽阔国度的最中心。
Join beijing 2000 international aviation dress adornment exposition on march18 , 2000 , designing pairs of dragon plane model for this exposition , and is appointed as the only souvenir 2000年3月18日参加北京2000年国际航空服装服饰博览会,为该会设计双龙飞模,并被指定为唯一纪念品;
龙: dragon a huge extinct reptil ...飞: fly; flit何龙飞: long-fei he龙飞虎: long feihu龙飞崎: tappi zaki; tappi-zaki张龙飞: long-fei zhang龙飞凤舞: like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing -- lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy; beautiful penmanship; elegant handwriting; exquisite calligraphy; flourish one's pen quickly and dexterously; make beautiful strokes with one's pen; swift movement of calligraphy; the long hand was just like dragons flying and a phoenix dancing -- the lively style of penmanship龙飞海底站: tappi-kaitei station龙飞九天: con air庐山龙飞翔: lushan dragon flight上海龙飞国际物流有限公司: shanghai longfei international logistics co. ltd上海龙飞国际物流有限公司深圳分公司: shanghai longfei international logistics co. ltd. shenzhen branch上海龙飞国际物流有限公司苏州分公司: shanghai longfei international logistics co. ltd. suzhou branch龙方: fong lung龙芳羽: fang-yu long龙法尼: ronfani龙二十五: opohmay龙二郎: ryujiro; tatsujiro
龙飞的法语:appuyer promouvoir encourages龙飞的韩语:[동사]【문어】 (1)【비유】 제위(帝位)에 오르다. 龙飞榜; 황제 즉위 후 맨 처음 시행하는 과거 시험 (2)【비유】 영웅이 뜻을 얻어 일어나다.龙飞的俄语:pinyin:lóngfēi взлёт дракона (обр. в знач.: а) восшествие императора на престол; б) подвиг героя)龙飞的阿拉伯语:ترويج; شجع; 龙飞的印尼文:membantu; mempromosikan; 龙飞什么意思:lóngfēi [promote] 旧时比喻升官提职 吾兄既凤翔,王子亦龙飞。――傅咸《赠何劭王济》