The paper also elaborates on the calculating method , the runge - kutta method and the grads method 论文对模型的算法? ?龙格?库塔法和梯度法作了详尽的讨论。
The numerical values of the one order differential equations are obtained by runge - kutta method with variable step 软件采用了变步长的经典龙格?库塔方法求解一阶微分方程组的数值解。
A 4 - order runge - kutta method is used to solve the droplet trajectory equation in order to determine the droplet impingement zone . 4 采用经典的四阶龙格-库塔法对其求解,以确定水滴在翼面上的撞击区。
Equidistant interpolation can give rise to convergence difficulties when the number of interpolation points becomes large . this difficulty is often referred to as runge ' s phenomenon 等距点插值会带来收敛困难当插值点数量增加。这一困难被称为龙格现象。
Nnd difference scheme divergences convection item and runge - kutta scheme iterates time item . the calculated outcome agrees well with the experiment data and analytic solution 采用nnd差分格式离散对流项,时间迭代采用龙格库塔法,计算结果与实验值和解析解一致吻合。