龙宫: the Dragon King's palace酒家: wineshop; restaurant龙宫: the dragon king's palace宫酒: palace wine沃龙宫: wollongong餐馆,酒家: restaurant大酒家: fuzhou da jiu jia; fuzhou hotel; new world阁酒家: mandarin court restaurant酒店;酒家: bush酒家客: alcoholic白蟒闹龙宫: the giant serpent's angry白蟒占龙宫: a white python usurps the dragon's palace东海龙宫: longgong龙宫探宝: probe the underwater treasure-trove in the “ palace of the dragon king”龙宫翁戎螺: entemnotrochus rumphill龙宫仙子: a fairy from the dragon palace龙宫戆驸马: the dragon king's fair son-in-law舍恩布龙宫: schonbrunn castle in vienna白宫酒店: white house hotel百乐宫酒店: bellagio皇宫酒店: hotels of imperial palace兰宫酒店: astor hotel琼宫酒楼: champagne restaurant ltd新南宫酒店: new imperial hotel public co. ltd旋宫酒店: rotating palace hotel