Evaluation of soil erosion in longkou city based on rs and gis 的龙口市土壤侵蚀评价研究
Design of longkou ' s water resource time and space analysis information system 龙口市水资源时空分析信息系统构建研究
The monitoring and analysis of green cover in longkou city based on the remote sensing technology 基于遥感技术的龙口市绿地覆盖监测与分析
Aviation : longkou city is 80 kilometers away from yantai laishan airport , a less than one - hour drive , 160 kilometers from qingdao airport , a two - hour drive 航空:龙口市距烟台莱山机场80公里,行车不足1小时即可抵达;距青岛机场160公里,行车2小时即可抵达。
The company is located in longkou city which is 96 km away from yantai city , yan - wei road , y an - qing road , and mu - huang road with advantageous geographical position and convenient transportation 本公司位于烟台西96公里的龙口市,毗邻龙口港,烟维、烟青、牟黄公路贯穿其境,地理位置优越,水陆空交通便利。