夺标: win the first prize; win the ...夺标: win the first prize; win the title; capture a prize; compete for the championship 夺标呼声很高 be highly expected to win the first prize齐头: flush夺标者: contenders齐头符: full-out齐头锯: trimmer齐头式: block format; block style齐头鳗: silvery conger等夺标热门: gretchen wilson电影“夺标”主题曲: my way夺标27秒: vision quest夺标呼声: title bid夺标妙女郎: the main event夺标奇缘: the legend of bagger vance夺标热门: favourists风雨夺标: where the red fern grows部分齐头式: block style with indented parts改良齐头式: modified block style截锯,齐头锯: butting saw平齐头针锉: equaling needle-handle file; equalling needlehandle file齐头变体式: block style with modified paragraphs齐头并进: do many things at once; advance side by side; advance together; do two or more things at once; go forward together; keep pace with齐头排板: flush齐头平锉: blunt file齐头三角锉: banking file