齐声: in chorus; in unison高呼: shout loudly所有的孩子都应该齐声高唱: every child should sing together in harmony齐声: in chorus; in unison 齐声附和 second with one voice; 齐声歌唱 sing in unison; 齐声喝采 praise in chorus; applaud in unison; 齐声欢呼 cheer in unison; 齐声高呼 hail with one voice; 齐声叫喊 cry out in chorus; 齐声狂笑 the wild chorus of laughter; 齐声抗议 protest in chorus; 突然齐声发出喊叫。 a chorus of shouts broke out. 四人齐声叫道“好!” “o.k.!” yelled a chorus of four高呼声: tiger机齐声: set noise齐声说: chorus n./vt奋臂高呼: raise one's hand and shout高呼致敬: hail攘臂高呼: raise one's hands and shout一再高呼: shout again and again振臂高呼: raise one's arm [fist] and shout [call]放声高歌: sing loudly厉声高骂: keep up a stream of furious abuse声高气粗: a loud voice语声高亢: a loud voice噪声高度: peak of noise传声齐声: microphone noise放大齐声: amplifier noise检测齐声: detector noise齐声附和: second with one voice齐声歌唱: sing in unison齐声喝采: praise in chorus齐声喝彩: cheer in chorus齐声哼唱: humming chorus