

  • preparation time


        :    neat; even; uniform
        :    letter; mail
        时间:    time; hour
        标准齐信时间:    standard preparation time
        可信时间戳:    trusted timestamp
        收信时间:    mail collection time
        通信时间:    communications time
        引信时间:    fuse time
        通信时间子句:    message time clause
        齐信:    narinobu; sainobu; setting-in; tadanobu
        信时:    nobutoki
        引信时间计算机:    fuse time computer
        下一次收信时间是几点钟:    what time's the next collection of letters receiving
        齐信架:    preparation fitting
        侧翼齐信架:    wing preparation fitting
        齐信速度:    mail preparation rate
        帧对齐信号:    fas frame alignment signal; frame alignment signal
        当你相信时:    when you believe
        收信时钟:    receive clock
        非帧对齐信号:    nfas not frame alignment signal
        齐信架用途的划分:    mail sorting plan
        写信时请替我带上一笔:    please give my regards when you write
        一下转信时断线的问题:    about ptt
        时间:    time; hour; 北京时间十九点整19 hours beijing time; 上课时间school hours; 时间与空间 time and space; 妥善地支配时间 apportion one's time; 消磨时间 cheat the ime; kill the time; 将时间延长至7月31日extend the time tojuly 31; 拖延时间spin out time; 时间会证明谁是对的。time will show who is right. 时间到了。time's up. 时间就是金钱。time is money. 完成这任务需要多少时间?how long will it take to finish this task?现在的时间是十四点五分。the time now is five minutes past fourteen.◇时间表 time schedule; time card; timetable; schedule,时间测量chronometry;time measurement; timing; 时间差距 lea time; 时间词 word denoting time; 时间方位 time aziniuth; 时间工作[服务]time service; 时间关联 association in time; time correlation; 时间计量 time measurement; 时间校准time calibration; 时间利用率time availability; 时间流逝time lapse; 时间曲线[航]time front; hour-out line; time curve; 时间损失loss of time; 时间缩短time contraction; 时间套汇 time arbitrage; 时间特性time response; 时间误差 time error; 时间效率 time efficiency; 时间效用 time utility; 时间性 timeliness; temporality; on time; transitory; 时间压缩 time compression; time-lapse; 时间意识 time consciousness; 时间知觉[心]time perception; 时间轴time shaft; time axis; 时间转换 time reversa; 时间最佳 time optimal
        时间,时间,时间:    time, time, time


  1. "齐心行动"英文
  2. "齐心一致"英文
  3. "齐信"英文
  4. "齐信架"英文
  5. "齐信架用途的划分"英文
  6. "齐信速度"英文
  7. "齐兴"英文
  8. "齐兴家"英文
  9. "齐行"英文
  10. "齐行,页码对齐"英文


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