鼾声: snore; sound of snoring呼噜: snore声: sound; voice呼噜声: oink发出呼噜声: pur做呼噜声: spit作呼噜声: grunt作呼噜声;咕哝: grunt临终前喉头发出的呼噜声: rattling sound in the throat of a dying person鼾声: snore; sound of snoring 他的鼾声大得使我睡不着。 his loud snore kept me awake呼噜: 呼噜象声词: 他喉咙里呼噜呼噜地响。 he's a bit wheezy.呼噜,打呼噜: snore鼾声停: snore stop咕噜声: grunt打呼噜: snore呼噜病: snoring disease呼噜粉: floo power呼噜网: floo net粗大的鼾声: thunderous snoring多鼾声病: apomyttosis鼾声大作: stertorous breathing; snore terribly; drive one's pigs to market鼾声呼吸: stertorous breathing鼾声如雷: snore like thunder; one's snores droned like the distant roll of thunder.; snore thunderously; thunderous snores鼾声如猪: snore like a pig发咕噜声: gurgling sounds