鼻骨: nasal bone; os nasale锉: file骨锉: bone file; osteotribe; raspatory; scalper轮骨锉, 圆骨锉: circular bone file粗骨锉: bone rasp蝶骨锉: sphenoidal rasp骨锉, 骨刮: raspatory骨锉,骨刮: ra atory; raspatory; rugine轮骨锉: rotary bone file牙骨锉: cement file鼻骨部: nasus osseus鼻骨孔: nasal foramina鼻骨骼: skeleton of nose后鼻骨: postnasal bone内鼻骨: internasal前鼻骨: adnasal/prenasal; prenasal带刮刀骨锉: bone file with scraper骨刮,骨锉,凿: scalprum骨锉,刮骨刀: osteotribe; osteotrite牙槽骨锉: alveolar bone file右牙槽骨锉: right bone file左牙槽骨锉: left bone file鼻骨塌陷,扁平鼻骨: depressed nasal bone凹形弯粗骨锉: concave curved bone rasp凸形弯粗骨锉: convex curved bone rasp