鼻腔: nasal cavity; cavum nasi及: reach; come up to异物: foreign matter; foreign body鼻窦异物: foreign body of paranasal sinus鼻窦异物钳: nasal foreign-body forceps鼻窦异物除去术: removal of foreign body from nasal sinus副鼻腔,鼻窦: cavum nasi accessorius鼻及鼻窦恶性肿瘤: the malignant tumor of nose and nasal sinuses鼻腔异物: nasal foreign body鼻窦内异物: foreign body in nasal sinus蝶窦异物除去术: removal of foreign body from sphenoid sinus额窦异物除去术: removal of foreign body from frontal sinus筛窦异物除去术: removal of foreign body from ethmoid sinus; removal of foreign body from maxillary sinus鼻腔和副鼻窦: nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses鼻腔及呼吸系统过敏症: nosal and respiratory system allergies鼻及鼻窦内翻乳突状瘤: inverting papilloma in nose and nasal si-nuse鼻腔: [生理学] nasal cavity; cavum nasi◇鼻腔堵塞 rhinostegnosis; rhinocleisis; rhinostegnosis; 鼻腔喷雾 nasal spray; 鼻腔肿瘤 rhino tumor鼻窦: accessory nasal sinuses; paranasal sinus; sinus nasalis异物: 1.[医学] foreign matter; foreign body 他眼睛里有异物。 he has some foreign matter in his eye.2.(奇异的物品) rarity3.[书面语] (死亡的人) a dead person; ghost鼻窦,副鼻窦: accessory nasal cavity鼻腔,鼻窝: cavum nusi ossenm鼻腔的: mycteric; rhinal鼻腔底: basis cavum nasi鼻腔计: rhinometer鼻腔镜: conchoscope