

  • nasal hydrorrhea
  • :    nose
  • :    overflow; spill
  • :    cause; reason
  • 流出:    outflow; effusion; runout; v ...
  • 水样液:    aqueous humor


        :    nose
        :    overflow; spill
        :    cause; reason
        流出:    outflow; effusion; runout; v ...
        水样液:    aqueous humor
        流出水:    effluent
        纺织流出水:    textile effluent
        焦化流出水:    carbonization effluent
        流出水头:    static pressure for outflow
        酸性流出水:    acid effluent
        糖厂流出水:    sugar mill effluent
        鼻溢:    hydrorrhea nasalis; rhinorrhea nasalis
        氧化塘流出水:    oxidation pond effluent
        污水样本;流出物样本:    effluent sample
        两臂轮流出水的游泳法:    alternating overarm strok
        水样:    [工业] water sample◇水样采集 water sampling; 水样液 aqueous humor; 水样贮存 water sample storage
        乳样液:    milky juice
        上样液:    (reagent d) genmed
        出水:    broach; demizu; effluent water; emergence; idemi; idesui; izumi; water exit; water outlet; water output; water-exit; yielding water
        流出:    outflow; effusion; runout; vegetate; runoff; profluvium; discharge 水从桶的孔里流出来。 the water drained out of the hole in the pail.; 流出管 effuser; 流出角 efflux angle; 流出口 outlet; outcome; portal; 流出量 [流] discharge; 流出速度 rate of outflow; 流出体积修正 drainage correction; 流出物 effluence; effluent; efflux; discharge 流出系数 efflux coefficient; 流出液 effluent liquid; effluent; 流出油 effluent oil
        鼻流清涕:    thin nasal discharge; thinnasaldischarge; turbid nasal discharge; turbidnasaldischarge
        鼻流浊涕:    burbid nasal discharge
        发作性鼻溢:    spasmodic rhinorrhea
        检液,试样液:    test liquid
        由鼻腔引起的:    rhinogenic


  1. "鼻一般检查"英文
  2. "鼻移植"英文
  3. "鼻移植物"英文
  4. "鼻胰管引流术"英文
  5. "鼻溢"英文
  6. "鼻异物钳"英文
  7. "鼻异物切开除去术"英文
  8. "鼻翼"英文
  9. "鼻翼alae nasi{拉}"英文
  10. "鼻翼保护器"英文


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