鼻梁: nose bridge皮肤: skin; baragnosis; derma; hid ...鼻梁皮下组织: subcutaneous tissue of bridge of nose鼻梁: bridge of the nose白鼻梁: snip鼻背,鼻梁: back of nose鼻梁, 鼻背: bridge of nose; dorsum nasi鼻梁的: dorsonasal鼻梁架: part of a pair of glasses that rests on the nose鼻梁子: bridge of the nose高鼻梁: roman nose宽鼻梁: van bogaert-hozay syndrome鼻背板, 鼻梁板: cartilagines nasi lateralis; laminae dorsi nasi鼻梁(尖,根): dorsum(tip,root) of nose鼻梁长度: bridge length鼻梁动脉: dorsalis nasi鼻梁骨折: fracture of the nose bridge鼻梁静脉: vena dorsalis nasi鼻梁平坦: flat nasal bridge鼻梁深度: bridge depth鼻梁睑反射: nose bridge-lid reflex横打鼻梁: be brave in undertaking sth塌鼻梁的的: broken nosed; broken-nosed眼镜的鼻梁: nosepiece椅上鼻梁族”: people with chairs utheir noses