Both appearance and functional restoration of the nose can increase an individuals psychological well - being , their social interactions and ultimately self - confidence 重整鼻形和鼻功能可提升个人心理健康,在日常生活和社交接触时更有自信。
Septorhinoplasty is a more major alternative surgical procedure that fully reconstructs the complex bony - cartilaginous nose as one single integrated unit . it will improve not only the appearance of the nose but more importantly simultaneously corrects the nasal function 鼻中隔骨鼻形矫正术是一个较大型的手术选择,它可以完全重修整个复杂的骨骼和软骨结构,除了可以矫正鼻形,更重要的是它可以同时回复正常鼻功能。