The random forces on the mole plough were studied by the spectral analysis method 采用频谱分析方法研究了鼠道犁土壤工作部件的随机受力。
Low frequencies are related to the random property of soil rupture , whereas random vibration frequencies of the tractor - implement system are shown in the high frequency range 研究结果表明:低频力与土壤振动裂缝等随机因素有关,而高频力则是由于拖拉机鼠道犁机组的振动引起的。
鼠: mouse; rat道: road; way; route; path鼠道粉: tracking powder鼠道排水: mole drainage鼠道排水管: mole drain鼠道战术: mouseholing鼠道式排水沟: mole drain鼠挡: rat guard鼠胆威龙: high risk; jeung hok yau; meltdown鼠胆龙威: high risk; jeung hok yau; meltdown鼠胆: chickenhearted; rat gall鼠单位: allen-doisy unit