Both fuzhou famous scenic spots and historical distance of shine , from the town of less than " wu yi " square 10 minutes 与福州著名的鼓山名胜风景区遥相辉映,离市中心五一广场不到10分钟的车程。
The inauguration ceremony marked a new page in the history of ddm , and gave the general public a deeper understanding of ddm ' s vision 法鼓山开山落成大典,为法鼓山纪元开创新的一页,也让社会大众对法鼓山的理念有更深一层的认识。
The moment that master sheng yen and distinguished domestic and overseas guests unveiled the buddha statues together , formally inaugurating dharma drum mountain , the guests and believers were all deeply moved 当圣严法师与国内外贵宾共同揭开佛幔,法鼓山正式宣告开山;在场观礼的贵宾与信众内心都充满无限感动。
Boat depart about once every ten minutes , and a ticket only costs nt 10 . on chichin island , the busiest spot is at the northern tip of the island , near the ferry terminal . located right nearby are the swimming beach , 到旗津的渡轮站设于鼓山,班次相当密集,约十分钟就有一班,每一个人次只要十元,是旗津与市区间最传统的交通方式。