

[ gǔzào ] 发音:   "鼓噪"的汉语解释   用"鼓噪"造句
  • make an uproar; raise a hubbub; clamour 短语和例子
  • 鼓噪而进:    charge ahead shouting and beating drums
  • 鼓噪四起:    rise up with a great clamour; rise in a hubbub; boil (bustle) in hurly-burly; pitch in and raise an uproar; make a great to-do
  • 鼓噪一时:    make a great to do about sth. for a time
  • 喧嚣鼓噪:    make outcries; make a clamour; stir up a commotion
  • 鼓躁:    roar


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The noise of the engagement merely silenced him .
  2. Jack clamoured among them, the conch forgotten .
  3. At every juryman s vote , there was a roar
  4. There was ( an ) uproar over the tax increases


        鼓噪而进:    charge ahead shouting and beating drums
        鼓噪四起:    rise up with a great clamour; rise in a hubbub; boil (bustle) in hurly-burly; pitch in and raise an uproar; make a great to-do
        鼓噪一时:    make a great to do about sth. for a time
        喧嚣鼓噪:    make outcries; make a clamour; stir up a commotion
        鼓躁:    roar
        鼓藻孢属:    desmidiaceaesporites
        鼓藻属:    cosmarium
        鼓掌:    clap one's hands; applaud 热烈鼓掌 warmly applaud; 鼓掌通过 approve by acclamation; 鼓掌欢呼 rise; 鼓掌欢迎 clap; 起立鼓掌 give a standing ovation; 为某人鼓掌 give sb. a big hand; 观众向演员们热烈鼓掌。 the audience warmly applauded the performers. 他受到震耳欲聋的鼓掌欢迎。 he was deafeningly applauded
        鼓藻科:    desmidiaceae
        鼓掌, 喝彩, 赞许:    applause
        鼓藻:    cosmarium; desmids (常见浮游藻类)


        鼓噪的法语:动 faire du tapage
        鼓噪的日语:がやがや騒ぐ. 鼓噪一时/一時大いに宣伝される.
        鼓噪的韩语:[동사] (1)옛날 출진(出陣)할 때 북을 치고 함성을 질러서 기세(氣勢)를 올리다. (2)떠들어 대다.
        鼓噪的俄语:[gǔzào] 1) гул, шум 2) шумиха, свистопляска
        鼓噪的印尼文:buat bising; ribut;
        鼓噪什么意思:gǔzào 古代指出战时擂鼓呐喊,以壮声势。今泛指喧嚷:~一时。


  1. "鼓藻"英文
  2. "鼓藻科"英文
  3. "鼓藻属"英文
  4. "鼓藻孢属"英文
  5. "鼓躁"英文
  6. "鼓噪而进"英文
  7. "鼓噪四起"英文
  8. "鼓噪一时"英文
  9. "鼓掌"英文
  10. "鼓掌, 喝彩, 赞许"英文


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