魔: devil; demon; evil spirit; f ...黑魔法: black magic黑魔剑: the black sword黑魔女: black witch黑魔术: black magic极黑魔: the black devil暗黑魔法: dark magic电脑黑魔: hakaider黑魔标记: the dark mark黑魔导女孩: dark magician girl黑魔道士: black mage黑魔狂战士: ndtb黑魔猎手: ndtt黑魔首领: ndtw黑魔术师: conjarer黑魔术学园: bible black混沌黑魔导: dark magician of chaos双头黑魔: greyevilape007勇破黑魔党: live and let die古老的黑魔法: that old black magic黑魔法防卫术: defence against the dark arts黑魔法防御术: black black magic defense technique; defence against dark arts; defence against the dark arts class黑魔高级牧师: ndth黑魔影子牧师: ndtp黑魔法防卫联盟: the darkforce defense league