黑色: black双: two; twin; both; dual包皮: wrapping; wrapper prepuce; f ...导火线: blasting fuse; powder train; ...双包皮导火线: doubletape fuse黑色单包皮导火线: black singletape fuse黑色单导火线: black single fuse导火线: 1.(使爆炸物爆炸的引线) blasting fuse; powder train; train; common fuse; fuse; powder-flag 定时导火线 time fuse2.(比喻引起事变爆发的近因) a small incident that touches off a big one; the direct cause of an event 战争的导火线 an incident that touches off a war; 导火线点火器 spitter; 导火线套管 [采矿工程] blasting barrel金属包皮导线: sheathed wire安全导火线: sf =safety fuse爆炸导火线: detonating fuse; primacord导火线爆破: fuse blasting导火线管: primer tube导火线盒: tinderbox导火线起爆: fuse blasting; fuse initiation导火线套管: blasting barrel导火线纸: fuse paper; fusepaper; touch papre点燃导火线: spitting定时导火线: time fuse防水导火线: waterproof fuse黑药导火线: black powder train缓燃导火线: slow cord; slow igniter cord; slow-burning fuse考杜导火线: cordeau快燃导火线: fast-burning igniting fuse雷汞导火线: fulminate fuse