Flocks of umineko ( black - tailed gulls ) live on the boulders under gunjiyama observatory . it is an excellent place for bird watching “ gunji山展望台”下面的大岩石是黑尾鸥的群栖之地,是一个野鸟观察的好地方。
Your 1 , 2 , 3 seem likely to be 1 . black - headed gull ( despite the misleading - looking leg colour , it has ear covert spot of one of the " hooded " gulls ) ; 2 . black - tailed gull first winter ; 3 . ? 你的1 , 2 , 3看起来像是1 .红嘴鸥(尽管有误导的脚部颜色,它有"带头巾的"鸥(译注:如棕头鸥,红嘴鸥,黑嘴鸥等)其中一种的耳部覆羽斑点) ; 2 .黑尾鸥一龄冬羽; 3 . ?