Some regularization . such as cut - off method , contour integration method and general ? - function method , used in calculating casimir energy was discussed too 并结合casimir能量的计算,对用来消除发散的几种正规化方法,如截断法、回路积分法和广义黎曼函数法等,作简单介绍。
Rational number can approxim ate to real number , use the notation of approximate one can prove riemann function isn ' t differentiable anywhere , that the rational points are dense in unit circle 摘要利用有理数对实数逼近的表示方式,给出黎曼函数处处不可导的一种证明,给出单位圆周上的有理点在单位圆上稠密的证明。
Continuity , integrability and differentiability of riemann function are discussed ; especially , the non - differentiable properties on [ 0 , 1 ] are proved , and dirichlet ' s function is comparated with it 摘要从黎曼函数的简单特徵入手讨论它的连续性、可积性、可导性,特别是证明了黎曼函数在区间[ 0 , 1 ]上处处不可导,并结合狄利克雷函数加以引申和推广。