

  • xanthorhamnin
  • 黄色:    yellow decadent; obscene; er ...
  • :    mouse; rat
  • :    plum plum a surname
  • :    glucoside
  • 波希鼠李苷:    purshianin


        黄色:    yellow decadent; obscene; er ...
        :    mouse; rat
        :    plum plum a surname
        :    glucoside
        波希鼠李苷:    purshianin
        弗朗鼠李苷:    rhamnoxanthin
        黄鼠李苷:    xanthorhamnin
        欧鼠李苷:    avornin; frangulin; franguloside
        葡欧鼠李苷:    glucofrangulin
        鼠李苷配基:    sorigenin
        泻鼠李苷:    jesterin
        药鼠李苷:    cascarin; peristaltin
        葡萄糖欧鼠李苷:    glucofrangulin
        鼠李:    cascara; ceanothus; dahurian buchthorn; davurian buchthorn fruit; davurian buckthorn fruit; fruit of dahurian buckthorn; rhamnus dahurica
        元色鼠耳蝠:    black myotis
        樟色鼠耳蝠:    cinnamon myotis
        黄色:    1.(颜色) yellow2.(腐化堕落; 色情) decadent; obscene; erotic; blue; pornographic◇黄色报纸 yellow jouralism; 黄色电影 pornographic [erotic] movie; obscene movies; sex film [movie]; blue film [movie]; 黄色工会 yellow union; scabunion; 黄色录像 pornographic video; blue video; 黄色皮肤 xanthoderma; 黄色人种 the yellow race; 黄色书籍 facetiae; 黄色书刊 pornographic books and periodicals; blue book and periodic; filthy books; 黄色文学 pornography; 黄色文艺 erotica; pornography; 黄色小说 pornographic novel; sex novel; 黄色新闻 yellow journalism; sex news; 黄色音乐 decadent music; vulgar music; 黄色炸药 trinitrotoluene; trinitroto luol; trinol
        李苷配基:    sorigenin
        鼠李醚 鼠李亭:    rhamnetin
        红鼠李:    rhamnus croceus
        黄鼠李:    rhamnus croceus
        鼠李氟:    rhamnofluorin
        鼠李根:    davurian buckthorn root
        鼠李精:    rhamnegin
        鼠李科:    buckthorn family; family rhamnaceae; rhamnacease


  1. "黄色书刊"英文
  2. "黄色书刊, 猥亵性书籍"英文
  3. "黄色书面纸"英文
  4. "黄色曙红"英文
  5. "黄色树脂剂"英文
  6. "黄色双球菌"英文
  7. "黄色水样白带"英文
  8. "黄色丝带"英文
  9. "黄色素"英文


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