

发音:   用"黄色突变"造句


        黄色:    yellow decadent; obscene; er ...
        突变:    sudden change; change sudden ...
        黄色突变体:    yellow mutant
        黄色突变型:    xantha
        黄色突变性白化病:    yellow mutant albinism
        黄色突变型眼皮肤白化病:    yellow mutant oculocutaneous albinism
        白色突变体:    albino mutant
        黄色:    1.(颜色) yellow2.(腐化堕落; 色情) decadent; obscene; erotic; blue; pornographic◇黄色报纸 yellow jouralism; 黄色电影 pornographic [erotic] movie; obscene movies; sex film [movie]; blue film [movie]; 黄色工会 yellow union; scabunion; 黄色录像 pornographic video; blue video; 黄色皮肤 xanthoderma; 黄色人种 the yellow race; 黄色书籍 facetiae; 黄色书刊 pornographic books and periodicals; blue book and periodic; filthy books; 黄色文学 pornography; 黄色文艺 erotica; pornography; 黄色小说 pornographic novel; sex novel; 黄色新闻 yellow journalism; sex news; 黄色音乐 decadent music; vulgar music; 黄色炸药 trinitrotoluene; trinitroto luol; trinol
        对比色突出:    contrast colors accent
        素色突颌鱼:    hybognathus placitus
        铜色突颌鱼:    brassy minnow; hybognathus hankinsoni
        银色突吻鳗:    bucktooth conger
        突变:    1.(突然急剧的变化) sudden change; change suddenly; transilience; accident; saltation; revulsion; idiovaviation; jump; abrupt change 认识过程中的突变 a sudden change in the process of cognition; 天气突变。 there was a sudden change in the weather.2.[生物学] mutation 自发突变 spontaneous mutation; 突变体 mutant
        黄色;黄色物;黄色的:    yellow
        栎淡色突吻菜蛾:    oak moth
        黄色黄色的:    yellow
        桔黄色:桔黄色:    bisque
        突变化突变,增变突变:    mutator mutation
        暗黄色:    dark yellow; luteotestaceous
        彩黄色:    cream
        苍黄色:    pale yellow
        草黄色:    straw yellow
        橙黄色:    aurantiacus; orange
        赤黄色:    ginger; helvolus; orange
        纯黄色:    gilvous


  1. "黄色体"英文
  2. "黄色条纹"英文
  3. "黄色铁铝土"英文
  4. "黄色铁钻土"英文
  5. "黄色铜锌合金"英文
  6. "黄色突变体"英文
  7. "黄色突变型"英文
  8. "黄色突变型眼皮肤白化病"英文
  9. "黄色突变性白化病"英文
  10. "黄色图片"英文


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