鸟类: birds学者: scholar; learned man; man of ...鸟类学: ornithology◇鸟类学家 birdman古鸟类学: paleornithology鸟类学的: ornithological鸟类学家: birdman分类学者: taxonomist鲸类学者: cetologist鳞翅类学者: lepidopterist人类学者: anthropologist; humanist鱼类学者: ichthyologist藻类学者: algologist美国鸟类学家: american ornithologists英国鸟类学会: british trust for ornithology; bto中国鸟类学会: chinese ornithological society美国鸟类学家协会: aou || american ornithologists' union国际鸟类学家联合会: international union for applied ornithology斯堪的纳维亚鸟类学杂志: ornis scandinavica scandinavian journal f ornithology; ornis scandinavica; scandinavian journal f ornithology中国鸟类学会理事长: director in chief of birds society of china鸟类: birds◇鸟类生活 birdlife; 鸟类饲养场 aviary; 鸟类饲养家 aviarist学者: scholar; learned man; man of learning 访问学者 a visiting scholar 今鸟类;新鸟类: neornithes【鸟类】=redstart。: starfinch【鸟类】海鸥。: sea crow; sea gull【鸟类】沙鸡。: sand-grouse