The isozyme analysis of different tissues in sciaenops ocellatus 鳍条组织的同工酶表达
Cartilaginous fin ray 软骨鳍条
For the ray , anonlinearfeedback controller , whichrealizesthe decouplingofoutput variables , isdesigned . forthe coordinated control , two non - coupling control strategies and a fuzzy control algorithm withself - adaptabilityaredevisedinthethesis 采用分布式控制策略,对节点层级的单根鳍条伺服控制和协调层级的协调控制分别进行了研究。
Due to its high order , nonlinear , and strong coupling , valid mathematical model of theflexiblefinishardtoget . inthisthesis , therelationofthewaveparametersoftheflexiblefinandthe positions of all rays is proposed . considering the influence of liquid and the flexiblemembrane , this thesis gives an analysis about the kinematical model of the ray , and gets thedynamicformulationbyamethodofkaneequation . the algorithm oftheundulatorycontroloftheflexiblefinisdesigned . adoptingthestrategyofdistributedcontrol , thisthesisgives arespectiveresearchonthe servo control oftherayat thenode level and the coordinated control of the flexible fin at the coordinated level 本文给出了柔性长鳍的波动参数与各鳍条输出位置之间的关系,并就单根鳍条的运动学和动力学模型进行分析,利用动力学建模的kane方程,结合水下环境中流体以及鳍条间柔性蹼对鳍条的影响,得到了单根鳍条的动力学方程。
Larval fish of cynoglossus semilaevis g unther were treated with colchicines to get the karyotype , 12 ~ 50 - day larval fish were selected to be put into the solution of colchicine of different concentration for 5 - 6 hours . the fin , and the other part of the fish were cut off to be treated with low concentration infiltration , solidify , eduction and other procedures . at last , the suspending cells can be gained and treated with air - drying method 选取孵化时间为12 50天的幼鱼,在不同浓度的秋水仙素溶液中处理5 6小时,分别剪取冠状幼鳍、鳃丝和身体周围的鳍条,通过低渗、固定、解离,得到细胞悬液,热片法滴片, giemsa染色。
鳍: fin条: twig臀鳍条: anal rays原鳍条: pterygiophore主鳍条: principal ray背鳍鳍条: dorsal rags辐状鳍条: radialium骨质鳍条: dermal fin ray角质鳍条: actinotrichia; actinotrichium; ceratotrichia皮质鳍条: dermal fin ray软骨鳍条: cartilaginous fin ray软鳍条鳅: softfin loach硬鳍条鳅: nemachilus scleropterus轴后辐鳍条: radialium postaxiale轴前辐鳍条: radialium preaxiale稆颌鳍条: hyomandibular ray鳍条分节的: arthropterous鳍条基骨: actinost鳍条计数: fin ray count鳍手: chiropterygium鳍式热交换器: finned type heat exchanger鳍式加热器: finned-type heating coil鳍头螺丝: fin neck round head bolts鳍式加热管: finned type heating coil鳍外动脉: arteria pterygialis lateralis鳍式: fin formula