On entomopathogenic fungus metarhizium anisopliae with fenthion against the scarab beetle holotrichia diomphalia larvae 利用绿僵菌与倍硫磷混用防治东北大黑鳃金龟研究
Effect of steinernama carpocapsae mixed with insecticides on grub holotrichia diomphalia bates coleoptera melolonthidae 斯氏线虫与常用杀虫剂混用时对东北大黑鳃金龟的毒杀效果
The varieties of underground insect were grub , maladera orientalis motschulsky , gryllotalpa africana pallisot et beauvois , and grub was the predominant species 地下部种类有蛴螬、黑绒鳃金龟、东方蝼蛄,优势种为蛴螬。
The still evenings have no motion or sound except for the chirping of crickets and the buzzing of countless junebugs under the streetlights 寂静的夜晚,周围无声无息,没有一丝动静,只有蟋蟀在鸣叫,无数的六月鳃金龟在路灯底下嗡嗡作响。