鲸: whale目: eye动物: animal的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...鲸鱼: whale鲸目动物的: cetacean; cetaceous鲸目动物: cetacean关于北海小鲸目动物的谅解备忘录: memorandum of understanding on small cetaceans in the north sea关于波罗的海和北海小鲸目动物的协定: agreement on small cetaceans in the baltic and north sea裸鳃亚目动物的: nudibranchiate鲸鱼的: cetacean; cetaceous鲸鱼的摇篮曲: whale's lullaby鲸鱼的跃上水: breach等足目动物: isopod剑尾目动物: xiphosuran灵长目动物: primate啮齿目动物: rodent贫齿目动物: edentate奇蹄目动物: odd-toed ungulate肉齿目动物: creodonts十足目动物: decapod翼手目动物: chiropteran翼足目动物: pteropod有袋目动物: marsupial有尾目动物: urodelele