鲁莽: crude and rash; rash; reckle ...地: the earth做事: handle affairs; do a deed; a ...鲁莽地: harum-scarum; impertinently; imprudently; reckle ly; recklessly; unadvisedly鲁莽地, 猛烈地: like a bull at a gate勤快地做事: rustle正确地做事: doing things right砰然, 轰地一声, 鲁莽地: slam-bang狂暴地, 激动地, 狂热地, 鲁莽地, 轻率地: wildly很神气地做事情: do things with an air ie confidently爽爽快快地做事: do sth. like a bird鲁莽: crude and rash; rash; reckless 鲁莽的人 a bull in a china shop; 鲁莽汉 clown做事: 1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job卤莽地: headlong鲁莽的: hardy; harum-scarum; heady; impertinent; impetuous; madbrained; madcap; rash; reckless; slap-bang鲁莽汉: clown轻率,鲁莽: rashness何地做: where不做事: do nothing来做事: work to do不礼貌,傲慢,鲁莽: impertinence n. rudeness or being not respectful粗野的,鲁莽的: lowbred狂热的, 鲁莽的: mad-brained鲁莽, 粗心大意: recklessness鲁莽从事: fly off the handle; act impulsively [carelessly]; act without thought; undertake roughly; take a rash action; act rashly