The li foundation fellowship of new york to honour the memory 纽约李氏基金纪念鲁桂珍博士奖学金
The li foundation fellowship of 纽约李氏基金纪念鲁桂珍博士奖学金
The li foundation fellowship of new york : to honour the memory of dr lu gwei - djen 纽约李氏基金纪念鲁桂珍博士奖学金
Among others , there are joseph needham , lu gwei - djen , nathan sivin , paul unschuld , kiyoshi yabuutyi and other celebrated foreign scholars . it has won favorable comments 十余年来,仅接待国外及港澳台学者及来宾达数百人,其中包括李约瑟鲁桂珍席文薮内清文树德等国际著名学者,深得各界人士好评。