姆: governess of girl wet nurse ...斯: this布鲁姆斯: broomes格鲁姆斯: groomes; grooms; grums鲁姆斯泰特: rumstedt格鲁姆斯波特: groomsport鲁姆斯费尔德: rumsfeld斯特鲁姆斯基: strumschi特鲁姆斯泰特: trumstedt布鲁斯格鲁姆斯: bruce e. grooms默勒鲁姆斯达尔郡: more og romsdal fylke布鲁姆斯贝里艺文圈: bloomsbury group鲁姆: el rom; rom el; roome; roume; ruhm; rum姆斯: erasmus; eudemus; the history of tom jones a foundling; thomas; wilms阿鲁姆: arum艾鲁姆: ayrum奥鲁姆: aarum巴鲁姆: baroum; barum拜鲁姆: baerum比鲁姆: byrum博鲁姆: borum伯鲁姆: borrum布鲁姆: bloom andy; bouroum; broome; broomor; brumm; burum; len blum; orlando bloom; o~rlando bloom措鲁姆: torum鲁姆施泰特: rumstedt鲁姆舍维奇: rumshevich