魔影: phantom长: older; elder; senior魔影之地: the land of shadow之长: yukinaga影之: kageyuki幻影之: visionary阴影之: shadow影之风: aywh影之门: shadowgate classic; shadowgate return影之王: shadow king影之心: shadow hearts恶魔影响: devil effect风魔影斧头: u00d古宫魔影: shadows in the old palace古屋魔影: shadows in the old house鬼屋魔影: alone in the dark (video game)黑夜魔影: night shade红海魔影: monster in the red sea红楼魔影: the shadow over the chateau魔影斗篷: cloak of shadows; clock of shadows魔影惊魂: the haunting shadow魔影狂花: painkiller jane s01 e04魔影杀机: terror in the shadows魔影守护者: fang of monster魔影袭人来: forty-ninth parallel